If there ever was a time to instigate a self growth plan, this is a prime example.

John was constantly rushing to his workplace. He was always late.

He procrastinated and wasted so much time, because he was up late at night browsing through Instagram and Facebook, surfing the internet, going through irrelevant stuff. Stuff that was not really important. He was busy. But he was getting nowhere.

That was his habit for months. He started feeling down. And. He didn’t know why. He felt that perhaps he might need a new relationship. He thought that it might change his inner mood and get him back on the track of self-growth.

But. It always ended in disaster. He couldn’t meet that perfect someone. He felt bored. He felt a “lack” inside but made excuses that it was everyone else, and not him. He questioned why other friends and colleagues appeared to be happy, healthy, and successful. What were they doing that he wasn’t?

He remembered back to a time when he was a successful person who had friends, and how he had fulfilling relationships. Somewhere between then and now, he had become an angry, self-entitled person, who was jealous of his friends’ situations; who seemed to be repeating ground hog day, and how he had lost his self-esteem, and his confidence had plummeted.

The sheer frustration of his personal situation finally got to him. He realised he had to stop and examine where he was now. Where he wanted to be. And. How he could get back to that happy state.

This is how John eventually made the decision to improve. He instigated a self growth plan

What is Self Growth Plan?

Just to let you know what we are talking about here, I generally try to define concepts so that we are all on the same page.

What is self-growth all about?

In the literature, you will find that there are many terms used, to define this concept. These terms include: personal development, self-development, personal growth, self improvement, and so on. In essence self growth is an holistic term, and it covers many layers: the mental, physical, social, spiritual, and emotional aspects.

The whole concept of self growth involves, how you, as an individual, can live a more fulfilling and productive life, if you increase your overall wellbeing in some way.In one my books titled: 5 Steps That Build Mindset Confidence, to achieve that state, you need to be able to build your self-esteem, and hence your confidence.

Confidence is the master state. If you do not have that, as well as your internal state of increased self-esteem, you are fighting an uphill battle to grow or improve.

You have to build internal life skills. You have to strengthen your aura, your sense of identity and power. At the beginning of this new journey back to self, you will also need to acknowledge your weaknesses, and be brave enough to accept that you will need to work on these issues.

For John, before he even attempts to get into any kind of relationship, he might need to work on: his anger, his envy, his depression, his procrastination, and whatever else he is able to acknowledge.

Then he will need to work out exactly what he wants his life to look like. He will need to set some small achievable goals. He will also need to do some inner cleansing work and do some meditation, or breathing exercises. Taking baby steps is what  self care strategies we recommend at Wellness That Works.

So, the question now is, what might need to be included in a personal self-growth plan for John?

See below, for a detailed self growth plan, that has been designed for John, to make his self improvement, more manageable. This is how you can transform your life. Small achievable steps, day by day, and week by week, for a month


A Self Growth Plan

The key here, is not to put yourself down if you miss a day, or need to expand the time frame. Every step taken, is a step toward increasing your wellbeing.

Self Growth Steps – Week One:

The key here is to start with doing what makes you happy.
Happiness can be achieved in small steps. These become cumulative.

Day 1: Make overtures to lost connections.
Try to get back on good terms with friends and people from previous times.
It will revive good memories and uplift your mood.

Day 2: Start journaling.
Create a log every day of what you did that makes you happy.
What you are grateful for. What makes you feel productive.
How you journal is not important. It is the fact that you are actually doing it.
It’s the best way to get something off your chest, to clarify your thoughts.

Day 3: Do something exceptional.
Try to be a superhero in someone’s life.
Or. Simply do a kind thing for a stranger. Helping them across the road.
Or by simply saying ‘hello’ in a supermarket.
Try to help someone, just by putting yourself out a little.

Day 4: Make a workout routine.
Select healthy habits for your body. Take proper sleep. Eat good food.
Go out for a walk. Give yourself the attention you need.

Day 5: Take control over your emotions.
It’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed on some occasions. But don’t let them take control over you. Identify the problems which may trigger your emotional reactions. This doesn’t mean you prevent yourself from experiencing and expressing feelings. It is about feeling them, and being able to let them go, or, not react so strongly at the time.

Day 6: Stop worrying about something which is not happening.
We worry unnecessarily, about all kinds of things, that may happen in the future
Try to live in the moment. In simple words, declutter your mind. Be present. When you are present, that is your position of power as you become more aware.

Day 7: Break old habits on how to live your life – your “shoulds”.

Break out of the shell of your ordinary life, your daily, unconscious habits.
Consciously make better choices. Eliminate old ways which lead to a state of depression. Choose to be different. Choose to be extraordinary in your approach to life and become unique.

Self Growth Steps: Week Two:

This week try some new tasks. If you are not feeling comfortable with your progress, then go back and repeat items from Week One. Or. Move onto Week Two tasks.

Day 1: Make a new commitment to yourself.
Write it out in your journal.
You’ve already started making changes to your ways of living. Keep doing it.
Don’t stop, keep moving. This is part of your growth plan. Make a promise to yourself to keep moving in the direction of self-improvement.

Day 2: Accept The Law Of the Universe.
It is the law of the universe, when you take action, there will be actions that are the result of your doings. Accept the change. You are changing your ways of living; hence you will start experiencing reactions to these changes. Accept them with a positive attitude.

Day 3:Beware of False Expectations.
It happens often, that when we do something, we want fast results.
When the results are not up to our expectations, we start losing hope.
Don’t do that, don’t lose heart. It is part of the process; you have to stay put until tides turn in your favor. Never giving up is the key.

Day 4: Be curious.
Adopt the ways of a child. It’s the best exercise for your mind. Start thinking about things with a ‘why’. There are always so many things in the world to increase your knowledge about.

Day 5: Resuscitate your passions.
As a kid, we all had dreams and goals. Some wanted to become a teacher. Some wanted to become a photographer. Dig up your lost passions. They can also become your second income.

Day 6:Add feelings to your insights in your journal.
You’ve started journaling about things you are doing. This time add some spice. Start journaling about how you are feeling about certain things when you do them. This will help you when you read them later. You will be able to evaluate how much progress you’ve made.

Day 7: Start challenging yourself by setting larger goals.
You may have achieved some small goals during the past weeks. Perhaps it is time to set higher or harder goals. Don’t stop after achieving a milestone. Set up another one. Push yourself higher. Go beyond what you have already mastered.

Self Growth Steps: Week Three

During the past two weeks you may have managed to change your old living habits.It may be time to concentrate on your professional life; to increase your potential and productivity.

Day 1:Keep track of your time.
What do you do on a daily basis? Be punctual. Start with the punctuality rule. Success comes to those who know time’s worth. Keep up with the speed of time, and time will follow you on the road to success.

Day 2: Learn the power of habits.
Good habits lead you to success. Committing to habits will allow you to free up your brain capacity. It will help spark creativity.

Day 3: Become productive by following the ‘Getting Things Done’ approach.
It’s a 5-step methodology. Capture, Clarify, Organize, Reflect and Engage. This is like a mini plan within this plan.

Day 4: Set your priorities.
Get focused. Replace boredom with your work. Instead of scrolling through social media and wasting time here and there. Successful people have a habit of focused vision.

Day 5: Make your decisions faster.
Learn the 5-second rule. If your mind says ‘yes’ to something in 5 seconds, it’s OK to do it. This is about increasing your intuition, relying more on your gut feel for things.

Day 6: Leave behind procrastination.
This means do it first-hand. Don’t leave your work laying around for later.

Day 7: Welcome the criticism.
Keep getting feedback on your work. Accept it from people who you admire and whose opinion you trust.Give yourself permission and allow yourself to improve. Useful and structured criticism helps to correct your flaws and polish your skills.

Self Growth Steps: Week Four

It’s the final week. Time for evaluation. Look back at your journal. See how much you’ve progressed. You’ve changed your ways of living; you’re getting more of an idea about how you respond and take charge of your emotions. You’ve started making progress in your professional life. It’s time to dive into your relationship goals.

Day 1: Define clear boundaries on what is acceptable in a relationship.
It includes your personal and professional life. Create your personal space.
Don’t mix up things. Keeping them separate will bring you peace of mind.

Day 2: Learn the mastery of love.
Learn to forgive, forget, discuss, attend, and love unconditionally.

Day 3: Try to distribute the burden.
It means don’t depend too much on your partner, or, either don’t take on too
much responsibility. Try to be reasonable. Recognition of co-dependency tendencies is the key.

Day 4: Anger is defined as an emotion characterized by tension and hostility
arising from frustration.
Learn how to handle your anger. By doing so you will experience a more
successful relationship.

Day 5: Give priority to your significant other.
He/she comes first. However, do not sublimate who you are, in order to
continually please someone else. Each individual is responsible for their
own happiness.

Day 6: Being emotionally attached to someone means having feelings for the
other person and wanting to have a relationship or friendship.
Allow yourself to get attached to the person you value most. However, do not subsume yourself, such that you lose your identity.

Day 7: Be natural.
Don’t try to act or hide your natural self. Relationships that start with honesty and truth, have stronger bonds and last longer.

Way Forward

This self growth plan was designed to help someone like John,or maybe even yourself, transform your life.

Did any of it resonate with you?

What steps could you take to get back on track to a path of self improvement and become empowered once again?

Take hope. The objective here, at Wellness That Works, is about takingbaby steps, one-at-a-time, so you can build up your self-esteem, and then your confidence. Without confidence you will not be able to master anything.

I look forward to hearing of your success. Send me an email.
